Sunday, January 10, 2010

Creationism Is A Giant Pile Of Stupid

How is it deemed “respectable” to believe that the Earth was created just a few thousand years ago? How are ancient fairy tales being confused with science in the 21st century? There is something horribly wrong with modern television featuring programs about Biblical predictions of Armageddon or Jesus and his miracles. It’s bad enough that this garbage is sucking up airtime, but this stuff is portrayed as if it were a based on a true story. It’s actually convincing people that the Bible holds the same credibility as a science book. It’s even gotten to the point where the Institute of Creation Research in Dallas, TX was seeking approval for a Masters Degree in Creationism. Holy shit, what’s next? A Bachelor’s Degree in Star Trek?


How is it possible to have an entire building full of people that are dedicated to figuring out how this Earth could have been created 5,000 years ago? What the hell could they possibly be doing at the Institute of Creation Research facility? I have a few educated guesses…

· Watching paint dry

· Reading Genesis for the 428th time

· Watching another televangelist spaz session on TV

· Having science book bonfires

· Prayer circles

· Building statues of Richard Dawkins and then destroying them with sledgehammers

I wonder how many geniuses at the ICR had to put their heads together to come up with this…


Can you imagine a debate at the ICR? Can you imagine the number of times the word “intolerant” has flown around that place? You can’t possibly have open debate and criticism with an institution based entirely on falsities and faith! I can just see it now…

Student: Professor, I’m not sure that this is enough evidence to
conclude that….


Young Earth Creationists, such as the ones at the Institute of Creation Research, have got to be the most intellectually dishonest people on the face of the planet. Sorry, there were dinosaurs and yes; they did exist on this Earth long before humans did. I knew this information in kindergarten, but sadly many grown individuals still have not caught on.

The Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY

Does God Get Diarrhea? paperback edition

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